The documentary “Nashukuru – Storytelling in the faces of poverty” by young Austrian filmmaker Claudia Koerbler shows how storytelling and empowering through stories can contribute to provoke change and social impact on a global scale. The screening was followed by a Salongespräch / panel discussion with experts from international development and media discussing the importance of cross-sectoral engagement to combat poverty through storytelling and social impact. Gabriel Laizer, Outreach Coordinator at the Food and Agricultural Organization DC, joined the filmmaker for the discussion, which was moderated by Hannelore Veit, Washington Bureau Chief Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF).
When: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 | 7:00 pm
Where: Austrian Cultural Forum Washington/Embassy of Austria
3524 International Court, NW, Washington, DC 20008
ABOUT “Nashukuru – Storytelling in the faces of poverty”
Poverty has many faces and many untold stories. More of 75 % of Kenyan youth are under the age of 30 and hold a tremendous potential to be the driving force of change to implement the SDG’s by 2030. According to World Bank Statistic, there are approximately 1.8 million unemployed people aged between 15 and 64 in Kenya, resulting in a national unemployment rate of 14.6 percent. 60 % of all unemployed people are under the age of 30, and 45 % are under 24 years of age. Storytelling is one of the many ways to empower this youth to become change agents of today and tomorrow. Nashukuru is a documentary filmed in Kenya to inspire people to take actions and understand that poverty is omnipresent and affects everyone. It showcases both, the upside and downside of poverty and will help make the viewer understand that storytelling and the way we share stories is an integral part of international development and social impact.
Gabriel Laizer | Strategic Partnerships and Outreach Coordinator at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
Photo | © FAO Liaison Office of the UN
Gabriel Laizer serves as Strategic Partnerships and Outreach Coordinator at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Gabriel is an accomplished international development professional with over ten years of experience in identifying, building and strengthening partnerships among diverse public and private organizations. At the FAO, Gabriel plays an important role in developing strategic alliances and outreach efforts to deepen, expand and improve partnership impact among FAO partners in North America. He has previously worked for the Alliance to End Hunger and Bread for the World. Gabriel has a master's degree in International Development from the American University in Washington, DC.
Claudia Koerbler | Filmmaker, “Nashukuru”
Photo | © Askhat Vishal
Claudia Koerbler is an international development specialist, Austrian global citizen, documentary film maker, global storyteller and host of Global Storytelling for Global Development, a platform with the goal to use storytelling as a tool to create and foster social impact globally. Claudia is also the Co-Founder of Vehicles of Change, a show which explores the journey and motivation of local and global change makers to affect change. The TEDx speaker and storyteller talks in her documentary “Nashukuru – Storytelling in the faces of poverty” about how we can comprehend and support the eradication of extreme poverty in Kenya. She previously worked for the United Nations and currently serves as a Knowledge Management Specialist at the IFC of the World Bank Group.
Hannelore Veit | Washington Bureau Chief Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)
Photo | © ORF, Thomas Ramstorfer
Hannelore Veit has been the bureau chief of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) in Washington, DC, since 2014. She received a master’s degree in American Studies (Fulbright Scholarship) from the University of Notre Dame and a Magister in Philosophy in Translation Science from the University of Vienna. The former prime time Austrian news anchor worked as Far East correspondent in Tokyo and as East Europe correspondent for Voice of America.